
Keeping the cheer

November 17, 2018
Glory in His holy name; Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be glad. - 1 CHRONICLES 16:10

Midnight has hardly rung down Halloween before Santa’s emerge, halls decked, trees raised and soundtracks herald cheer. But quickly it vanishes as attention turns to white sales and gift returns. Constantly seeking the Lord, however, brings a heart-cheer that doesn’t fade.

I can still see the old gents who would put their hands in their pockets, or tuck them in the bibs of their overalls and spend Sunday afternoons kicking car tires on the used auto lot. But there’s a big difference between kicking tires and seeking.

“Seek,” in the Hebrew used in today’s text, refers especially to searching out the Lord through prayer. The seeking that brings the cheer is not so much for the “things” about God, but searching for Him personally. It’s the difference between seeking someone’s tracks and yearning to look on their face. There are people who “kick tires” with regard to spiritual things. The cheer, however, is for those who seek earnestly and continually.

Seek God, not just things about Him.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: 1 Chronicles
