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The Cost of Freedom

The Cost of Freedom

September 17, 2024
The fabric of America is delicate, but it is also strong. Today, as never before, this fabric is being stretched, and the very foundations upon which America was founded are in danger of crumbling. We must never forget the price that was paid, and continues to be paid, to preserve this nation as the land of the free and the home of the brave.

This Series


The Church Awake

From Confusion to Clarity September 19, 2024
God has placed boundaries in our lives to protect us and those we love, but today’s culture is intent on tearing down those boundaries and destroying our marriages and our families. Only when we live within the boundaries God has given us for our good will we have lives filled with joy, peace, and blessing.
​Socialism vs. Capitalism September 13, 2024
As we interact with contemporary culture, we need to exercise discernment with everything we see and hear. As the culture redefines and reinterprets truth to fit their worldview, we need to seek a biblical perspective – and distinguish between truth and nontruth - – about socialism, capitalism, and the church.
​In The Wilderness September 11, 2024
A culture with no absolute truth is characterized by a constant flurry of counterfeit “truths” that lead to confusion and chaos. As Christians, we must have discernment to separate the true from the false, as well as the biblical knowledge to defend our faith so that we may speak the truth in love and protect our children from the sound of many false voices.
Building Strong Families September 09, 2024
In today’s culture, the biblical definition of marriage and family is under severe attack.  It is increasingly evident that the family, like a house, needs a firm foundation if it is to survive the storms that threaten its stability. Only a firm foundation will enable the family to be strong, to grow, and to become all that it can and should be.
Created Equal September 05, 2024
There are injustices in our society, and we know that racial animosity has led to wars, discrimination, and oppression for centuries. The church has a responsibility to advocate for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized, but to also remember that God is no respecter of persons. Only at the cross do we see what true reconciliation looks like.
Raising Lambs Among Wolves September 03, 2024
A dangerous and ungodly challenge to a biblical worldview has infiltrated our schools and the institutions that serve families. Jesus issued a particularly stern warning that is still relevant today to anyone who would place a stumbling block in the path of a child and thereby corrupt the innocence of childhood.
Wake Up September 02, 2024
We live in a society that increasingly seeks to undermine the very foundations of our Judeo-Christian faith. When the need to penetrate the darkness and stand firm against the evil in our culture is so great, why does the church appear to be silent? What should members of the family of God be prepared to do?
Resentment November 16, 2023
How we respond to the disappointments, temptations, and injustices in our lives depends on our perspective. Only when we learn to practice vertical living will we be able to see God at work. And only then will we discover that we no longer have room for envy, resentment or bitterness.
Depression November 14, 2023
Feelings of sadness, a sense of hopelessness, unexplained fatigue, and a loss of zest are painful but familiar symptoms of depression, one of the leading causes of disease in the western world. While there are many contributing factors, the first step toward a cure is consistent: a willingness to let God have His way in our lives.