

God has a plan for every life beginning right where you are. And we begin to discover that plan as we read His Word, the Bible. God delights in …
No word quite measures up to this picture of the Lord as our shepherd. A shepherd takes care of everything as far as the sheep are concerned. In …
When my son Cliff was little, someone gave him a small violin. He wasn’t able to play it, so I picked it up. I even read an instruction book! But …

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If you ask Google for an image of what Heaven is like, it’ll show you plenty of white clouds, misty staircases, pearly gates, and cherubs with harps. …


God often calls us to take big leaps of faith. Your support is helping encourage listeners to be obedient to His voice—even when it’s scary. You help …

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Outfit your life with the proven truth of God's Word so you will be able to follow wherever He leads and experience the abundant life God intends you to have.