

God wants us to surrender ALL of ourselves to Him. So how do we do that? In the Series, Transformation: 6 Weeks to Change Your Life, Dr. Young shares practical steps from Romans 12 to help you renew your mind, offer true worship, and walk in the will of God for your life.  You'll learn how to truly surrender yourself to the Lord and experience real transformation.

Giving Hope to Hopeless


While there is abundant evidence of brokenness and hopelessness in our world today, the Holy Spirit enables us to make a difference by offering …

Government, Taxes, and Neighbors


What we believe should determine how we live, the direction we go and the choices we make. Romans 13 provides clear guidelines for living under the …

Loving One Another


This very practical “how to” guide provides detailed instructions for loving both fellow believers within the church as well as non-believers outside …

Discovering and Using Your Gifts


What kind of church would you have if everyone in it was just like you? God has a plan and a purpose for your life in the body of faith, the church. …

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