God Is Present in Your Suffering

Why does God let bad things happen?
It’s a question many Christians ask – especially during times like right now with so much suffering going on in the world. If God is good, why do we suffer?
The story of Job gives us the answer. Job came to know suffering better than most. Health, wealth, family, friends… he lost it all in one tragedy after another. All because Satan was certain that suffering would cause Job to turn his back on God.
Instead, Job responded to his suffering in a remarkable way:
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord”Job 1:21-22
How could Job say that? Because he built his life on God as his foundation.
One of the reasons God allows suffering is because it reveals what matters most to us. When we build our lives on the things of this world, suffering will strip that away. But when we build our lives on God, we can respond like Job – “Blessed be His name.”
Without suffering, we could easily fall into the trap of serving God simply for the things we get from Him. Instead, God gives us Himself during difficult times and invites us into a deeper experience of His love.
And if you build your life on Him, you can be sure that He is with you in the midst of suffering and carrying out a plan for your good and His glory.