
A Good Beginning

August 19, 2023
A Good Beginning
"O satisfy us in the morning with Thy lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."
Psalms 90:14
The book of Psalms is a book of human emotions. Psalms takes us into the beauty of the sanctuary where there is worship, and into the painful depths of despair. Psalms expresses hate and love, fear and faith. When Jonah was in the belly of the fish, he drew his words from the book of Psalms. Jesus in the Upper Room and on the Cross expressed his emotions as he drew from Psalms.

Peter at Pentecost and Paul in Romans both turned to Psalms. A lot of times when we’re confused, or life has bottomed out, we have a tendency to talk to ourselves. But I have discovered that when you and I talk to ourselves, we are not talking to someone who is very smart. We can lie to ourselves. It’s better to turn to God’s Word and allow it to speak to you. And in many of life’s most challenging situations, the book of Psalms - the songbook of the Bible – is the best place to begin.
Categories: Devotionals>