An Acquired Taste
October 28, 2024
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."Psalms 51:10
The spirit is the essence of who we are – our attitudes, personalities, the basic thrust of our lives. More than anything else, our spirits determine how life will affect us and how we will affect life.
But many times, like David, we must ask God to renew a right spirit within us. What does this right spirit look like? It looks like Jesus. What was His essential spirit? He was the perfect model of compassion, love, humility and service. He was willing to give His life away. And if we want to be His followers, we need a like spirit – willing to love and humble ourselves – even to die to self in order to serve Him and others. So ask God to renew a right spirit within you – and get ready to give yourself away, that is, to be like Jesus.