
A Sweet Aroma

July 16, 2023
A Sweet Aroma
"For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."
2 Corinthians 2:15

Have you noticed how many ads there are for body washes, soaps, shampoos, and colognes. How we smell to others is obviously important … and very profitable. But how do we smell to God? Our verse says our witness for Christ – whether through our spoken words or through our acts of worship, praise, and compassion – produces a powerful fragrance that delights our Father in Heaven. And if that were not enough, others are also attracted to the aroma, allowing us to lead them to the source of our fragrance.

So let me ask you: What kind of aroma does your testimony, worship, and service send heavenward? If you are walking faithfully a “winning walk” with Christ, you are leaving an aroma that not only attracts others, but also rises all the way to Heaven, pleasing the Father.

Categories: Devotionals>