
All Suited Up

September 23, 2024
All Suited Up
“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.”
Ephesians 1:4

Do you remember how, when you played games as kids, you’d pick the two best players to be captains of the teams. Then they would choose players for their teams. We would call out, “Choose me.” And it was a wonderful feeling to be chosen. The Bible says that God the Father has chosen you, and chosen me, before the world was created. You were chosen by God to be in His family.

Ephesians says that not only were we chosen by God before creation, and before time, but He chose us while we were still not very good players. In fact, we were terrible players. But He put us on His team anyway. Thank Him that He chose you and me, And that He works in us to make us into what he designed us to become.

Categories: Devotionals>