Important Thing 2025
February 05, 2025
"A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes…"Psalms 91:7-8
Psalm 91 gives us beautiful word pictures of the hiding place God provides for us in times of trouble. He is our refuge, our shelter, and our fortress. As we read the psalm, we come across today’s incredible promise. What does it mean? It means that God gives us biblical eyes. That is a worthy goal in life, to see life and see the world with biblical eyes. Think about it. To see as God sees, to see as God has revealed.
When we run and get under the shelter of Almighty God, under His wings where we are safe and secure, God will give us eyes to see that He is at work and that we need not fear.