

July 12, 2018
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. - PSALM 51:17

In military terms, there’s a big difference between “as you were” and “about face.” An officer walks into the room and all the soldiers snap to attention. But the General’s presence is informal and he wants the troops to relax, so he says, “As you were.” But now the unit is marching in precision. The command is given: “About face!” Every soldier knows that means turn and go in the opposite direction.

Sometimes people do an “as you were,” and call it repentance. They stop committing the sin for the moment. But a “contrite” heart is one crushed because of its sin to the point the individual eagerly turns and goes in the opposite direction. “As you were” is the position of the regretful heart but “about face” is the direction of the contrite heart.

When you ask God for forgiveness, don’t pray out of mere regret, but allow the Holy Spirit to break your heart over sin.

Categories: Devotionals> Tags: Psalm