
“I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” - PSALM 16:8
The choices we make determine the shape and the color of our lives. Have you ever stood at a crossroads, with one road going to the left and another to the right? We encounter many such crossroads in life at which we have to make a choice, a decision.
When it comes to making decisions, I have learned that what you know isn’t as important as Who you know. The real question is: Am I allowing God to be my Director? If so, when I come to a junction in life’s road, I can move out – even through fog or confusion – because I trust God to lead me in the way He would have me go.
Begin today to seek God’s best, His mind and His heart, and draw your strength from Him. Then, if you come to a crossroads, you can trust Him to guide you in the right direction.