
Don't Grow Weary!

September 03, 2024
Don’t Grow Weary!
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

When I was a young pastor in a small community, I served on the volunteer fire department. Around 2 o’clock one Sunday morning the alarm sounded. We fought the fire and I returned home and back to bed around 4. And then… about an hour later, the alarm sounded again! I was so tired when I preached a few hours later that I almost put myself to sleep! When we encounter the fires of life that test our faith, we can grow weary serving God… our strength and enthusiasm can fade. Our scripture encourages us not to lose heart – not to quit – because our efforts will pay off.

When we get weary, we need to be reminded that God gives strength to those needing it. So don’t run on empty. Take time to “refuel” daily by spending time with the Lord.

Categories: Devotionals>