Three-legged Stool 2025
February 18, 2025
"But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” - MATTHEW 24:13
“I was prepared to eat bitterness when I went to China, but not to eat loss,” said Mabel Williamson. “Eating bitterness” symbolized suffering and hardship. “Eating loss” meant giving up the right to one’s self.
Jesus warns that following Him is risky living by worldly standards. Real discipleship means “eating loss,” taking up your cross, dying to self. This is the secret to endurance. Mabel Williamson, Hudson Taylor and many other nameless “China hands” found the secret, endured to the “end”—which means “purpose”—and saw the promise of God. The Gospel is spreading so fast in China now that it could become the center of global Christianity!