
For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. - 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6
In 1936, Congress passed the Rural Electrification Act, and the lights came on the farm. Imagine the thrill of family existing with oil lamps as they turned the switch for the first time!
Salvation in Jesus Christ is the “Spiritual Electrification Act.” When you receive Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit turns on the light! The light is the glory, the gleaming character of God, personified in Jesus Christ. Through that light, God makes known to you the “mystery of His will.” (EPHESIANS 1:9) God shows you the sweeping plan for your life.
All houses have a master switch that turns off the power to every room. But the way God’s will is revealed is more like turning on the light one room at a time. If Christ is the light of your life, you can walk into each “room,” each stage, knowing the light will come on in that area just when you need it!
Yield to God’s will in every area of your life, whether you can see it all or not, and the “light” will come on!