Giving from the heart

Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7
As a couple entered church, the wife whispered, “I need some extra money to run the household while you’re away on business.” “Sure,” he replied. When they got to their pew, he pulled out a wad of cash and gave it to her for running the house during his absence. The wife thought it was for the collection, and plopped every dollar of it in the plate.
Later, the man was joking to a friend about the huge amount he had given that Sunday. “I know God keeps records, and He’s credited me with the big bucks we gave the church.” “How much would you have given?” the friend asked. The man answered with a much lesser amount than his wife had given accidentally. “Then that’s the amount God credited to your account: what you would have given, not actually what you gave but didn’t intend,” replied the friend.
The cheerful giver contributes in a planned, purposeful way, not accidentally. God looks on the heart, not the offering plate.
Consider your giving habits. Do you plan and give purposefully to the church? Repent for happenstance, accidental giving. Ask the Lord for a heart that gives with cheer.