An Acquired Taste
October 28, 2024
"But whoever keeps and teaches my commands, he shall be called great in the kingdom of God."Matthew 5:19b
I like to call this my B.L.T. verse – bacon, lettuce, and tomato. This verse is part of the Sermon on the Mount, and it follows the Beatitudes and the call to be salt and light. It tells us what we are to do with the commands of God.
We are to believe them, that’s the B.” We are to live them, that’s the “L.” And we are to teach them, that’s the “T.” When we follow these guidelines, amazing things happen in our lives. We may not understand everything in the Bible, but we can trust that it is the holy, authoritative Word of God. And knowing that, we become B.L.T. followers of God’s Word. We believe it, live it, and teach it by our words and by our lifestyle.