An Acquired Taste
October 28, 2024
"In the same way, the Spirit also helps our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."Romans 8:26
I heard of a story about a man who suffered from a constant headache. All day long, for weeks and weeks, his head hurt. Finally, he went to the doctor who did a CAT scan and an MRI, but the tests were inconclusive.
A few days later the man went to a tailor to get some new shirts. The tailor measured his neck and said, “You’ll need a size 17-1/2 neck.” But the man insisted, “My neck is 15-1/2. Make the shirts 15-1/2.” So, the tailor said, “I’ll do it, but you’ll have a constant headache.”
Sometimes we just want to treat symptoms, but the Holy Spirit is a great diagnostician. When you’re ready to deal with the real problems in your life, just ask Him.