
Keep Singing

September 21, 2024
Keep Singing!
"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord."
Psalms 40:3

Decades ago, some of the most popular movies were musicals. During these films, in the middle of any scene someone might burst into song. But life is different. Not everyone sings. In fact, many people have lost their song altogether. During the Babylonian exile, the Israelites lost their song. We read in Psalm 137 they hung their harps on the willows and explained they could not possibly sing God’s song in their present circumstances. But as Christians, we don’t depend on our circumstances for musical inspiration.

The longer we walk with Jesus, the more we come to trust His presence, and the less we fear our circumstances. With Him, every day, every hour, every moment is ripe for singing! So if you’ve lost your song, try focusing on Christ instead of your present circumstances, and then start warming up your voice because you have a song to sing!

Categories: Devotionals>
