
Let’s Get Practical

November 25, 2023
Let’s Get Pratical
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness."
2 Timothy 3:16

When you hear the word “sanctification” you might think of getting measured for your wings or getting a halo. Simply stated, though, sanctification is about growing and maturing in our faith, and a great place to begin is by falling in love with God’s Word and letting it become real to you. How does the Bible come alive? Let me suggest something very practical. 2 Timothy 3:16 gives us four words – teaching, reproof, correction, and training – that suggest four questions we can ask ourselves when we read the Bible.

First, what is this passage teaching me? The Holy Spirit will tell you. Next, what is the passage reproving in me? Is there something I need to straighten out and get right? Third, is there something I need to change or correct? And fourth, how is this passage training me to live the Christian life? Let God’s Word speak truth into you, and it will transform your daily walk with Jesus Christ.

Categories: Devotionals>
