Myth Busters
"For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."Philippians 2:13
There are a lot of myths about spiritual growth. The first is that growth is impossible for some people, that no matter what they do they will never grow or mature in Christ. A second myth is that growth is optional, but growth is essential to what it means to be a son or daughter of God. A third myth is that growth is mechanical – that there is some formula or curriculum that will automatically result in spiritual growth. And a fourth myth is that growth is easy. That too is incorrect; it takes courage, it is challenging, and you need to be willing to make changes in your life in order to grow.
The truth is that God works in you and in me so He can work through you and through me. We do our part as we practice the disciplines of prayer, and study, and devotion. Then God always does His part by equipping us to be effective for Him. And when we get where God is leading, we will know we are right where He planted us.