
Our Source of Comfort

July 04, 2023
Our Source of Comfort
"Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me."
John 14:1

The fourteenth chapter of John is a great word on comfort. The words Jesus spoke to His disciples to comfort them on the evening before he was crucified can also provide comfort for us in seasons of difficulty or loss. Jesus told the disciples to believe in three things. First, He told them to believe in His presence, because he would send the Holy Spirit to indwell and guide them. Second, He said, Believe in My promises. He assured them that He would prepare a place for them in Heaven, and would come again to take them to be with Him there. And third, He told them to believe in His Person, as he made the exclusive claim that he alone was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

So, whenever you – or someone you know – needs a word of comfort, open your Bible and turn to these beautiful words from our Savior.

