People Matter to God

"And they spoke the word of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house."Acts 16:32
In Acts 16, the Apostle Paul conducts a clinic on how to share your faith. I believe all Christians need to share their faith, but we each have our own style based on our giftedness and our personality. Some have an invitational style of asking people to church. Others may have a more direct, confrontational style. And still others have an intellectual style or a more quiet, philosophical approach. But there is one aspect of personal evangelism we must never forget, and that is to listen. Find out where they are, what they believe, how they think. Ask questions, then listen, and be patient.
After you have listened for a while, there will be that strategic moment when they begin to ask you what you think. Then you will have a chance to let them know that they need the Lord, and let them know that they matter to God. And you may be able to love that person all the way to Jesus. People matter to God, all people, and people need the Lord. God will use you, wherever He has placed you, to share His truth with the least and the last and the lost.