
Prepare The Way

June 28, 2024
Prepare The Way
"For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace."
John 1:16

While visiting the historic settlement at Williamsburg, Virginia, I noticed several groundskeepers carefully combing the gravel paths and removing any rough stones. I asked one of them if they did that every day. He replied, “No, but we’re expecting the Emperor of Japan this week, so we’re making sure all the pathways are level and straight.” I immediately thought, “That’s what John the Baptist did as he prepared the way for Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah! How did he do it? 

By being a voice in the wilderness with the message “Repent… turn from your sin.” It is repentance that prepares the way for Jesus, our King, to enter our hearts. What about you? Have you prepared the way for the Lord by turning from your sin?

Categories: Devotionals>
