First Place 2025
February 14, 2025
"For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it."Hebrews 2:1
After a passenger train was struck by an oncoming freight train, the engineer was asked whether he had seen the flagman who was trying to get the train to stop. The engineer replied, ‘Yes, I saw the flag, but it wasn’t the red flag that indicates danger, but a yellow flag which simply means to slow down.’ Upon examination, it became apparent that the once-red flag had faded to a dull yellow and had lost its color and meaning. That can happen to us if we get caught up in things that distract us from our commitment to Christ. Once you put up your flag for Christ, that means you are available to serve Him, to worship Him, to study His Word, and that you never lose sight of God’s desire to make your life extraordinary.