
Second Chances

August 04, 2024
Second Chances
"For a righteous man falls seven time, and rises again…"
Proverbs 24:16

Some people are remembered more for one glaring mistake than they are for all the rest of the things they did in life. That was true for a man named Douglas Corrigan. In 1938, he set off from New York in a single engine plane, presumably headed for the West Coast.  28 hours later he landed in Dublin, Ireland!  He claimed it was just a mistake, but for the rest of his life he was known as “Wrong Way Corrigan.” God doesn’t want our mistakes – or our doubts – to define us. 

He is a God of second chances. Just ask David. Or Peter. Or Thomas. Or anyone who has experienced the forgiveness of God, the grace of God – and the love of God.

Categories: Devotionals>
