
Sin Exposed!

April 19, 2023
Sin Exposed!
“Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight – That you may be found just when You speak, and blameless when You judge.”   
Psalms 51:4

Perhaps the most famous sin in all of history is King David’s affair with Bathsheba and his instigation in the murder of her husband, Uriah. David was at the pinnacle of his career. He was powerful. He was popular. But not even a king can keep his sin hidden from God. When the prophet Nathan confronted him, David could have denied the charge, but he could not deny God’s conviction. The man after God’s own heart realized that ultimately, his sin was against God, the One he loved the most. With a heart broken from sin, David confessed, and prayed for mercy based on the Lord’s lovingkindness. God forgave him.

Is your heart broken from a sin you have committed against God? Confess it and ask Him for His forgiveness. You will discover God’s grace and mercy is not reserved just for kings.

Categories: Devotionals>
