The anchoring of the anchor

Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. JAMES 1:17
Many a person’s hope is anchored to the heart, but where is the heart anchored? A city of oil rigs lies 100 miles off the Texas and Louisiana coasts. Men and women live on the huge platforms that feel so stable. But let a hurricane rage through the petroleum metropolis, and the focus turns to the anchoring of the rigs.
People anchored to their heart trust their emotions, their instincts, and their dreams. But if the heart is unanchored, when the storms sweep through, the personality is wrecked. Imagine living in a capricious world and you will understand. In a happenstance world, plant petunia seeds and turnips pop up. In a whimsical world, today gravity tugs downward, but tomorrow it pushes upward and next week yanks sideways.
The only place to anchor the human heart is in the immutable heart of God. He tells Moses His name is “I AM THAT I AM.” Not “I Was,” or “I Will Be,” but “I AM,” constant, changeless, and faithful. You can anchor your heart to His heart!
Ask God to help you link your hopes, dreams, ambitions, plans and sources of happiness and strength to one great anchor—Him!