The heart in the Studebaker

And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO THY HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT."… - LUKE 23:46 "My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one." - JOHN 10:29-30
My college roommate was a medical student who drove a Studebaker, the old car with the confused identity whose front and rear looked the same. “Don’t sit on that!” he said as I hopped in the car. “What is it?” He picked up the object, sheathed in paper, and replied, “It’s a human heart cut from a cadaver in our lab.” I held the heart in my hand. It didn’t take me long to recognize I had neither the qualifications nor the authority to hold a heart in my hand, and quickly I returned it to the bag.
God has both the ability and authority to hold our hearts in His hand. When Jesus is breathing His last on the cross, He commits His Spirit to the Father. Just as His Father had held Jesus’ heart during Jesus’ life in the natural world, so now Jesus entrusts His heart to the Father in the supernatural realm.
The devil tried with all his might to pull Jesus away from His Father, and divide the Godhead. At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, in the wilderness, and at the conclusion of Jesus’ earthly ministry, at the cross, the adversary and yanked and pulled and hacked, but could not pull Jesus from the Father’s hand. Our hearts are in Jesus’ hand, He’s in the Father’s hand, and we are inseparable from our God “from here to eternity!”
Celebrate your safety and security in God’s hands. Recommit your heart to His care.