The oven

For their hearts are like an oven as they approach their plotting; their anger smolders all night, in the morning it burns like a flaming fire. – HOSEA 7:6
“What’s cooking?” Many a chef has been asked that question. I saw a sign in a restaurant: “Stamp out home cooking—eat out!” Another said, “Take your wife out to eat; the wife you save may be your own.” Some find cooking an art or fascinating hobby. For the person who has to prepare daily for a large family, meal preparation can become drudgery.
There’s a spiritual oven that is definitely overworked. The spiritual heart whose thermostat is not controlled by God is over-heated with the “cooking” of plots and subterfuges. The schemes of rebellion bake deep inside the human heart. There’s hardly anything as fragrant as Thanksgiving dinner cooking in the oven. Good and bad things get prepared in the heart.
What’s cooking in your heart?
Today’s Focus
Ask the Father to grant that your heart will “cook” plans that lead to good and not evil plots and strategies.