The Purpose of Creation May Surprise You

"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'"Genesis 2:18
In Genesis we read of God’s majestic work of creation. Chapter one gives us the “what” of creation – the big picture. Then chapter 2 gives us the “why” of creation, providing a detailed commentary that zooms in on God’s creation of man and woman. It is here we discover the purpose of all the magnificence that has come into being through God’s creative act. It’s marriage!
That’s right. Marriage is important to God and is found throughout the Bible. It is the metaphor God chooses to use for His relationship with the Church, His faithful followers. That is why a marriage that is alive for Christ is the most powerful witness we can give to the world. So never forget that in all of the “what” of God’s magnificent creation, your marriage and your personal relationship with Christ is a vital part of God’s “why.”