
The Starting Point

July 23, 2023
The Starting Point
"…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you."
Matthew 17:20

I read about a man named Homan Walsh who contributed to the construction of the first suspension bridge over the Niagara River when he was just a young boy. From the Canadian side, he flew his kite across to the American side where the kite string was fastened to a tree on the shore. Then they took a little cord and they pulled that cord over the river. And when they got the cord over, they tied a rope to the cord. And finally, they tied a wire cable to it and pulled that cable across. And that’s how they began to build the bridge. Faith operates that way.

If you have a little faith, you just exercise that faith and tremendous things will begin to happen. Your faith will grow, and there will be substance, and conviction, and firm belief. It’s really that simple. So, what am I saying to you? I’m trying to say – “Go fly a kite.”

Categories: Devotionals>