
The Weight of Our Witness

November 07, 2023
The Weight of Our Witness
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

The witness of our life carries more weight than the witness of our words. Did you hear that? That’s what Jesus is saying when He tells us to let our light shine. Certainly the words of our witness for Him are vital, but they ring hollow if our life does not back them up. You see, the world is looking for authentic Christians. We know one when we see one, and we all want to be one. How do we shine our light? First we must have a light to shine, by receiving Christ as Lord and Savior.

We keep our light bright by growing in our relationship with Him through reading His Word, prayer and worship. As we grow in Him, we develop a hunger and desire to serve and please Him. This leads to the good works of service that shine before others. So I ask you now – Where can you shine your light for Christ today?

Categories: Devotionals>