The whole enchilada

Teach me Thy way, O LORD; I will walk in Thy truth; unite my heart to fear Thy name. I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Thy name forever. - PSALM 86:11-12
David’s prayer, “unite my heart to fear you,” is appropriate for us all. Think of a squabbling political convention. Opposing factions huddle in back rooms plotting to undo one another. They are all in the same party, but with radically different agendas.
So it is with your heart and mine. One facet of the heart wants to do God’s will, and another wants to resist it. Same heart, occupying the same human chest, but with different aspirations.
David asks the Lord to get all these vying factions on one page, that of “fearing” the Lord. That means every agenda of the heart must be focused on honoring and reverencing God and His word. When that happens, the lust faction has to go, the doubt group is banished, the deceivers are kicked out and the grudge-holders silenced. The united heart is not fragmented, and experiences God’s peace, which is true heart health.
Yield all the factions of your heart to God, and bring them under the dominion of reverence for Him and His holiness.