
Vertical or Horizontal

June 18, 2023
Vertical or Horizontal
"And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…"
Genesis 50:20

The best teacher in the world is hunger. The best teacher in the world is cancer. The best teacher in the world is heartache, or brokenness. All too often we tend to coast through life until the bottom falls out. Then we realize that we’ve been living in the power of our own strength and resources. We realize that we’ve forgotten the vertical, which is the reality of God. Vertical people are those for whom God is real. They understand that in the temptations of life, the injustices of life, and even in the exaltations of life, God is at work. Vertical people look up and above, not down and around, because they are focused on the wonderful panorama God provides for those who keep their eyes on Him.

Are you a horizontal person, or a vertical person? If you’re ready for a new adventure in your walk with God, decide today to become a vertical person who seeks God and His perspective in every situation.

Categories: Devotionals>
