When God says it’s over

Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever…” - GENESIS 6:3
The judge listens patiently as the testimony, rationalizations and reasonings drone on, but there comes a moment when he gavels for silence, and the unchangeable judgment is pronounced. With that, the judge closes the file and leaves the room. It’s over; no appeal.
What does it take for God to withdraw His Spirit from people’s hearts? Jesus said the unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. (MATTHEW 12:31) It’s not that God doesn’t want to forgive, but that His Spirit is the means by which He “strives” with our heart. When we repeatedly reject the Spirit, there is a point at which God pronounces our rejection so thorough He withdraws His beckoning Spirit.
Those who have received Christ in their hearts automatically receive His Spirit. “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” says the Lord. (MATTHEW 28:20; HEBREWS 13:15) If your heart is secure in Christ you can rest in the awareness you will never lose God’s Spirit.
If you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you of sin, rejoice, because it is proof He continues to “strive” with you!