When the heart cries ‘Father’

"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. - MATTHEW 6:9
“Our Father” used of God is the most compact summary of biblical faith, a title for God that opens the door to all life’s relationships. “Our Father” opens the door to the unseen world, telling us behind the veil of vision is a personal, loving, powerful Almighty Father. “Our Father” opens the door to the seen world, giving meaning in the midst of suffering. “Our Father” opens the door to our relationships with others. Jesus doesn’t tell us to pray, “my Father,” but “our Father,” thrusting our intercessions beyond ourselves.“Our Father” opens the door to healthy self-relationship.
The heart knows its own bitterness, and there are times when we reject ourselves. But “our Father” reminds us that if we matter to no one else, we matter to Him. Jesus spoke constantly of the Father. He was in the world to complete His Father’s will, do His Father’s work, obey His Father’s wishes, all the while spending hours alone with His Father.
“Our Father”: two words that embrace the heart of our relationship to God. Embrace them as yours.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13. Use the prayer as an outline to express your personal prayer.