Past Devotionals

Game Time!

April 12, 2023 My son Ben recently interviewed me on the topic of parenting. One of his questions was on the role …

The Big Squeeze

April 11, 2023

Our hearts are formed by God’s squeezing hand.  

Search and Rescue

April 10, 2023

We must have a passionate desire to rescue the lost.

Our Cross

April 08, 2023

Because He died, we can live. Because He obeyed, we can be forgiven. Because He was condemned, we can be saved.

Oil and Spices

April 07, 2023

The amount of spices brought to embalm Jesus is generous and abundant - on par with royal burials.

Torn Curtain

April 06, 2023

God Himself tore the curtain in two, proclaiming that in Jesus' death, the final sacrifice has been made for our sins.

Instruments of Suffering

April 05, 2023

Wood is one of the most common elements on earth. So abundantly found, it is burned for warmth, sliced to make paper, joined to build houses.

His Cross

April 04, 2023

Wood is one of the most common elements on earth. So abundantly found, it is burned for warmth, sliced to make paper, joined to build houses.

Pieces of Silver

April 03, 2023

They traded away the Savior of the World, the Holy Son of God, the promised Messiah, for the price of a dead slave.

Garden of Gethsemane

April 02, 2023

Before Jesus would endure the physical suffering you've just considered, He would experience emotional and spiritual torment that was far greater.

Last Supper

April 01, 2023 Hand Washing In Old Testament times, priests who had already been consecrated for service were …

Brand-Marks of Jesus

March 31, 2023

Is there enough of Jesus in your life to give yourself away as His?

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