Past Devotionals

100% Pure

June 14, 2023

How clearly do you see God?

That’s a Relief

June 13, 2023

Read God’s Word to prevent faulty reasoning and needless anxiety.

Take Your Thorn to the Throne

June 12, 2023 To keep him from exalting himself, Paul was given a thorn in the flesh. The Bible does not tell us …

Weakness Precedes Strength

June 11, 2023

God wants to use our weaknesses as His strongholds.

Receive the King!

June 10, 2023

Jesus is the real “King of the world!”

Pride Antidote

June 09, 2023

Choosing to humbly follow and obey Christ is the cure for a pride problem.

Everyday is Monday!

June 08, 2023

God creates every day as a new beginning.

Got Ten Minutes?

June 07, 2023

This familiar passage provides a clear description of the biblical worldview.

Ample Evidence

June 06, 2023

We can take God at His Word and trust Him to keep His promises.

A Reason to Fear

June 05, 2023

Jesus teaches us how to confront fear and get it under control.

Break the Ice

June 04, 2023

Don’t let others become insensitive to the things of God.

Handle With Care

June 03, 2023

We must never discount the importance of God’s Word.

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